Storefront Logo Design

  There are various ways that one can go about getting their message across. One of the increasingly popular methods is by having video display on your website and associated search results. Like many of our clients, we were once lost and confused as to how one can successfully and seamlessly upload a logo to their amazon marketplace storefront without the hassle. The goal with a logo was to boost sales and catch potential customer attention. We finally got the details clear and have helped many sellers get closer to their goals with attractive storefront logos displayed on the marketplace.

  This was very important since the marketplace was very competitive back then and it has only gotten more competitive since then. Actually it has gotten A LOT more competitive since then. People have realized that there is quite a bunch of potential and money to be had by selling on and that has been the reason why sellers have been signing up to sell on the site in droves.

  In an effort to help our clients gain a stronger footing in reaching their goals selling merchandise online we have explored the marketing strategy of video content to direct customers to your page. The video can be on a variety of different topics. These would include an overview of your storefront, the types of products you offer, etc. In addition you can go more of a unique route if you sell products that fit into a specific niche by incorporating something more catchy into the video. A sample video of a kind of video marketing is displayed below where our website is reviewed. The video explains that we offer services to increase your sales on Amazon by getting a Amazon storefront logo. Video is still somewhat of an untapped gold mine and you can make it work for you.

JPEG Logo for Amazon Storefront

  Like many relatively new sellers on the marketplace; upon realizing that a logo on my storefront could benefit my sales greatly, I was confused as to how to correctly upload the logo. In addition to the various ways that a logo can be designed in order to attract the maximum amount of customers there are also a number of other details to keep in mind. The first and quite possibly the most important is the requirement that the logo meet the size and format requirements dictated by Amazon. They are very strict and any deviation from the sated rules will likely amount to you experiencing an ample amount of frustration in trying to successful show your logo. 

  Once you have understood the requirements in regard to the size and format of the logo for your storefront, you must now decide what kind of logo you would like. The two choices are between the more standard JPEG logo and a GIF logo. The JPEG logo provides for one slide displaying your graphic. On the other hand the GIF logo can display multiple rotating slides which in turn allow you to display additional graphics and information to potential customers. The use of a GIF logo has been rapidly increasing in popularity among sellers on the marketplace as it allows them to communicate multiple messages such as the offering of Free Shipping, Express Shipping, and other attractive advertisements. What is important to remember is the following: As the competition on the marketplace has become more robust, it is of great importance to use any and all tools to leverage your competitive edge. One of those tools is certainly having a logo on your marketplace seller profile and all sellers should therefore have such a logo.